

Recomendado por 8 habitantes locales,

Consejos de residentes locales

July 3, 2019
They make tasty Tacos in town, 10 mins by walk from our stay. There are multi-choice from the menu: Fish, Chicken, Pork with fresh vegetable. ★ Address: 80/59 Lê Hữu Trác, An Hải Đông, Sơn Trà, Đà Nẵng 550000, Vietnam. ★ Serving: Taco, beers and soft drinks ★ Serving hour: 10:30 - 22:00 ★ Suitable for Lunch and Dinner
April 24, 2019
They make tasty Tacos in town, 5 -7 mins by walk from our stay. There are multi-choice from the menu: Fish, Chicken, Pork with fresh vegetable. ★ Address: 16 An Thượng 6, Ngũ Hành Sơn, Đà Nẵng ★ Serving: Taco, beers and soft drinks ★ Serving hour: 10:30 - 22:00 ★ Suitable for Lunch and Dinner
May 27, 2019
Great tacos, Taiwanese style

Actividades únicas en la zona

Parapente de Da Nang
Recorrido gastronómico por Da Nang para viajeros en solitario
Excursión temprana a las colinas de Bana/puente dorado para evitar aglomeraciones

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