Experiencias únicas en Alps

Experiencias únicas en Alps

Reserva actividades inolvidables que la gente de la zona ofrece en Airbnb.

Actividades con las mejores calificaciones

Los secretos para preparar pasta y tiramisú
If you don't see a date that works for you, pls send me a message. This is an unique italian cooking lesson. You’ll be welcome in my historical house in the centre of Milan with an amazing view over the city from a terrace luxuriant of flowers and trees. You’ll eat the delicious dishes you prepared: pasta, ravioli, tiramisù that come with an excellent wine and limoncello prepared with my own terrace’s lemons. I will reveal you all the secrets about tagliatelle and the famous ravioli so that you will go back home as an authentic Italian chef. What about bringing a very sweet memory from Italy, one that will always be in your heart? The secret of the classic tiramisù, a family recipe that follows the one of its creator: soft, sweet, delicious and unique! Your friends home will be surprised when you will serve them homemade plates you learned following typical italian recipes in an unique and rare location; the fun experience will leave an unforgettable and marvellous memory. AIR CONDITIONING Cooking is a family tradition: when the grandma Bruna is too tired, her daughter and grandaughter or grandson will replace her. In our family we all had the best grandmother as teacher My house hosts to a well-behaved and joyful dog and a few unobtrusive and invisible cats that observe whatever goes on from the roof of the orangery. The class consists of min of 10 and max of 14 participants
Prepara pasta y tiramisú en familia
THIS IS NOT A CONVENTIONAL COOKING CLASS: of course you'll learn a lot about pasta but you'll be welcomed into my family like old friends for a traditional Italian meal, cooking all together while sharing our different stories. Ravioli, spaghetti, tagliatelle or other typical kinds of pasta will be on the menu: the masterpiece of Italian cooking history. And, why not, we'll also prepare our "secret" tiramisù with chocolate. Of course, after cooking, we'll enjoy what we have prepared in a simple Italian meal all together with complimentary wine and coffee ;) ps: If you are a group or you don't see availability you can try to reach out to me for dinner or other dates.
Lo que el viento se llevó
I will welcome you in the port of Desenzano where we'll familiarize with the "Annamarie", a comfortable boat equipped with bathroom and kitchen and extremely safe. After a short briefing we will sail to Sirmione to visit the castle, the springs of sulphurous water and the ancient Grotte of Catullo, here we will stop near the beach called Jamaica Beach for transparency of its water. We will drop anchor to enjoy the beach and organize lunch (or the aperitif for the half-day experience -4 hours) on the boat with typical local products Here you can sunbathe, take spectacular photos and refreshing baths! for guests there are snorkeling equipment, sup and dinghy. If, on the other hand, you prefer to relax and sunbathe, the boat will gladly welcome you The return route crosses the sunset with its romantic colours. POSSIBILITY TO SPEND THE NIGHT ON THE BOAT FOR WHO LIKE TO HAVE A ROMANTIC NIGHT ;) Other things to note Sports skills are not necessary, sailing is available for everyone both for those who want to try in some manoeuvres and for those who want to be just a passenger who enjoys the tour
Paseo a caballo y cata de vinos en la Toscana
We will pick you up with our van from Firenze city center to take you to our ranch (approx. 30 min drive). Upon arrival one of our experienced guide will greet you and will start giving you some tips about riding our horses. No worries if you're a total beginner, we will take a few time making sure you get the basis before you meet your horse. Our horses are very friendly and calm and you'll have a few time for practicing before you go outside. When you're all ready to go your horseback riding tour in the countryside will start. The ride outside will least for about 1 hour in which you'll be surrounded by olive trees, vineyards, tipical Tuscan country houses and colored fields. During the ride there will be 2 experienced guides ready to assist you and reply to your questions. We will finish the horse tour back to our Ranch. After taking a few pics, we will help you getting off the horse and then we will drive you to the Villa (by van - only 3 min drive) where you will continue with the second part of the experience. The Villa's staff will greet you and your tour will continue with a visit to the little museum of the villa and its wine cellars. The tour ends with a tasting of four Torre Cona wines and a plate of selected cheeses. After the wine tasting, we will drive you directly to Firenze (same place of the meeting point).
El arte del cristal de Murano
I workshops consistono in un'ora e mezza di lavoro e divertimento divisi in due parti. La prima prevede l'uso di una piastra trasparente in vetro dove gli ospiti realizzeranno una figura con pezzi di vetro di Murano, chiamati graniglia, che verrà poi cucinato in forno. Il vetro si fonderà e la figura realizzata rimarrà all'ospite. La seconda parte, consiste in una fase dimostrativa da parte del Maestro e successivamente una prova pratica degli ospiti della lavorazione del vetro di Murano. Gli ospiti lavoreranno il vetro con la fiamma e proveranno la piacevole sensazione dell'antica lavorazione a lume. I workshop sono ideali anche per famiglie con bambini sopra ai 12 anni, che adoreranno la magia del vetro. Altre cose da tenere a mente I lavori terminati nella prima parte del workshop, verranno cotti nel forno per circa 3 ore, mentre gli oggetti realizzati con la fiamma saranno pronti dopo 2 ore di raffreddamento. Il tutto sarà consegnato il giorno stesso dopo 2/3 ore o il giorno successivo in accordo con i clienti. Durata Workshop: 1,5 ore.

Las favoritas de la gente local

Música en la azotea con Sara Renar
Everything is located in the center of Zagreb. My partner and I will greet you in front of our building and take you to the rooftop (17th floor). There you can have some refreshments while enjoying the view. The rooftop provides a 360 view of the city and its surroundings. We'll show you around, tell you some useful tips about Zagreb urban nightlife, the city architecture, the music scene and anything else that comes to mind. We'll also hand out the setlist booklets providing text translations. When everybody is comfortable we start the music performance. Think of it as a cosy and informal exclusive concert. This is an experience that works good for people intersted in the Zagreb underground music scene as well as for cultural savvy travellers who want to see Zagreb from a different, more personal perspective. Note that we meet just before sunset (so the concert can take place as the sun goes down), so the exact timing of the event can vary from month to month. Other things to note The music I am playing is in the Croatian language, but communication is done in English. I am proud to announce that in this new 2023 season I will also invite emerging new regional artists to join me onstage. Be prepared for a great view of the city, exciting new music, craft beer, local wine from the island of Hvar and learning some Croatian phrases!
Preparare i cjarsons con una foodblogger
Sono Chiara, food blogger e appassionata di cucina! Ti do il benvenuto nella mia cucina per insegnarti a preparare i "cjarsons": un primo piatto tipico della Carnia. Si tratta di una sorta di ravioli dolci e salati con un ripieno a base di ricotta ed erbe aromatiche. Ti mostrerò come realizzare la pasta e il ripieno, raccontandoti come nasce questa ricetta. Ti insegnerò, inoltre, a chiudere i "cjarsons" in modo che non si aprano in cottura, con 3 diverse forme. Gusteremo un pasto delizioso insieme, mentre imparerai a conoscere più a fondo una delle ricette più tipiche della mia regione.
Clase de monopatín
Póngase en contacto con nosotros antes de reservar para comprobar la disponibilidad de las fechas y horas que difieren del horario! Las clases comenzarán con un breve calentamiento gimnástico y un calentamiento completo sobre la tabla. Gracias a esto podremos evaluar cada caso en base a habilidades, experiencia y actitud hacia el deporte para desarrollar un plan de ejercicios. A continuación, se propondrán ejercicios de calentamiento para desarrollar la capacidad de cada usuario individual. Cada ejercicio constará de una breve introducción teórica, repeticiones por parte del usuario, evaluación y corrección, otras repeticiones hasta la completa adquisición de la destreza en cuestión, necesaria para pasar al siguiente ejercicio. En el caso de los niños los ejercicios serán más lúdicos, mientras que en el caso de los adultos los ejercicios estarán dirigidos a comprender los movimientos y su control. En este último caso, la explicación estará orientada a una comprensión completa del ejercicio para que el usuario, si está interesado, también pueda realizar los ejercicios de forma autónoma. Al final de los ejercicios, antes del final de la lección, habrá una sesión de estiramiento dinámico con el objetivo de enfriar y recopilar comentarios sobre la experiencia.
Clase de risotto italiano con aperitivo milanés
Prepariamo e mangiamo insieme il risotto alla milanese in una strepitosa private home (è presente l'aria condizionata.) Vivo in un palazzo del XVIII secolo a pochi passi dai Navigli, una location bellissima, una grande dimora antica nel cuore della città. Ti aspetterò lì e ti insegnerò a preparare il vero risotto alla milanese con tutti i suoi segreti e alcuni altri risotti tipici italiani, semplicissimi ma incredibilmente buoni. Al tuo ritorno i tuoi amici rimarranno sorpresi quando cucinerai per loro i deliziosi piatti italiani preparati con le tue stesse mani Ti darò il benvenuto con un classico aperitivo milanese, ricco di stuzzichini salati, salumi e assaggi vari. Poi, dopo aver cucinato, gusteremo insieme il nostro risotto accompagnandolo con un bel bicchiere di vino rosso o bianco e per terminare un caffè espresso e una dolce sorpresa. Durante la cena, avremo modo di intrattenerci facendo conversazione: aneddoti e curiosità sui prodotti italiani, i segreti delle ricette ma anche tips sulla vita, le abitudini e lo stile milanese, lo shopping e la cultura locale. Dimenticatevi la classica cena al ristorante. Non esitare a contattarmi per eventuali allergie o intolleranze alimentari. Se vedi che la data che ti interessa non è in calendario, mandami un messaggio privato per organizzarci! Se siete in gruppo o non trovate disponibilità, vi prego di scrivermi
Recorrido a pie por Florencia y sesión fotográfica
¿Quieres conservar un recuerdo único de Florencia? Con la caminata fotográfica privada de 1.15 horas por el centro de Florencia podrás hacerlo de forma sencilla y original. En un recorrido inolvidable, te acompañaré a los lugares más emblemáticos de la ciudad e inmortalizaré tu paseo en fotos. Es ideal para retratos amigos/as, de pareja o individual. ¿Qué recibirás? 1. Recorrido a pie por Florencia 2. Sesión fotográfica de 1.15 horas de duración 3. Veinte (20) fotos editadas de su recorrido a pie por Florencia. 4. Enlace de descarga de las fotos editadas, sin marca de agua y en alta resolución, entre 2 y 3 días después de la sesión. También .... - Tendrá recuerdos imborrables de su viaje. - Viva la experiencia de ser fotografiado en lugares ricos en historia. - Ser inmortalizado junto a tus seres queridos por un fotógrafo profesional. Acuerdos claros: Es muy importante para mí crear acuerdos claros con mis clientes, considero el uso de las imágenes algo muy importante, por lo que el día de nuestro encuentro recibirás un contrato de servicio fotográfico y un "release for the use of images", que podrás revisar y firmar antes de que comience la sesión. ¡Espero verte pronto! P/D: las entradas no están incluidas, en caso de que quieras una sesión dentro de un edificio de museo tendrás que preguntar antes de reservar.

Con calificaciones excelentes por su originalidad

Un día repleto de burbujas
Together we will discover the Prosecco Hills... beautiful places of my childhood, where I used to run freely around the vineyards! In the morning, with me and my husband, we will visit a winery located in an area with a beautiful scenery, where we will learn all the secrets of Prosecco wine making and taste some glasses of this famous sparkling wine! We will then visit a local Osteria lost in the middle of the hills, and will have an aperitivo in front of the vineyards, while listening to the delightful singing of the birds! We will meet my family, while enjoying a typical lunch in our family owned osteria, where traditional dishes are prepared using our grandma's recipes, and where the typical "spiedo" meat cooks slowly near the fire! All desserts are home made by my brother and are really a sweet end of a delicious 4 courses meal! We will visit a second winery, where we will meet friends that run a very high quality DOCG Prosecco winery and produce wines using ancient types of vines and lots of passion! Finally, in summer time only (Apr to Oct), there could be the possibility of enjoying a unique picnic experience in a stunning area in the middle of the vineyards.
Clase de pasta fresca y tiramisù
Adquirirás las habilidades para enrollar, amasar y dar forma a una variedad de formas de pasta, como: tagliatelle, tortellini, pappardelle, cappelletti y tortelli. De esta selección, elegiremos dos formatos para crear dos platos junto con sus respectivas salsas. Por último pero no menos importante, también aprenderás a elaborar el postre más delicioso de Italia, el tiramisù.
Caza de trufas en las colinas del Chianti
Our adventure begins at morning in Piazza della Calza in Florence at Bar d'angolo. We'll drive to our 12th-generation winery, Wich is not open to the public, in the gorgeous wine country of Chianti Classico DOCG Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin. Explore the farm with ours kinds pets like truffle dogs, cat, chickens and pig (prosciuttina) and winery whit the owner winemaker and learn about the history of this 12th-century artisanal winery. We will go to find truffles in our Woods. You ' ll return to Florence in the end. Other things to note Meeting point Piazza della Calza at"Bar d'angolo"near Porta Romana Firenze
Aprende sobre el queso y chocolate suizos en una cocina vintage
Get the best of Swiss gourmet in one delicious class! World star singer Pink and prince of Abu Dhabi have participated in this class too. Now it’s your turn! Experience Switzerland's cheese and chocolate in this comprehensive hands-on class in a cute vintage-style kitchen in the heart of Zurich. You'll get a glimpse of the Swiss culture and learn the secrets of these world-famous delicacies in this sweet and salty class. You will also learn to whip up a perfect meringue. In this class you will: -Learn about what makes Swiss cheese & chocolate special -Taste high quality cheese and chocolate -Bake chocolate soufflés from scratch in a Swiss vintage soufflé cup. -Enjoy them with coffee/tea in class At the end of the class, you will receive a list of best chocolate shops and cheese shops to explore during the remaining time of your trip in Zurich. This class is enjoyable for anyone of any age. If you have any food allergies pls let me know in advance. The ingredients are Swiss and gluten-free by nature. Our classes are in English. Important: All participants coming to the workshop will have to buy the ticket. Thanks! Closest public parking: Search on map: „Mythenquai 318 Parking“. Park there and walk thru the small tunnel to get to Seestrasse. Use mobile map for navigation.
Aprende a remar como un veneciano
Are you ready for a unique experience? You will learn how to row a traditional Venetian boat through the canals of the city! We will meet at our boat laboratory, located in the Cannaregio area. We will show you our squero (our gondole laboratory), where we restore and handcraft gondole. We will also introduce you to the world of Venetian boats, explaining their characteristics and peculiarities. After this brief introduction, we will teach you how to row with ancient techniques and show you how to use the oars and other tools in order to have a safe and accurate rowing experience :) This experience is suitable for everyone and at any age.

Todas las actividades cerca de Alps

Los secretos para preparar pasta y tiramisú
If you don't see a date that works for you, pls send me a message. This is an unique italian cooking lesson. You’ll be welcome in my historical house in the centre of Milan with an amazing view over the city from a terrace luxuriant of flowers and trees. You’ll eat the delicious dishes you prepared: pasta, ravioli, tiramisù that come with an excellent wine and limoncello prepared with my own terrace’s lemons. I will reveal you all the secrets about tagliatelle and the famous ravioli so that you will go back home as an authentic Italian chef. What about bringing a very sweet memory from Italy, one that will always be in your heart? The secret of the classic tiramisù, a family recipe that follows the one of its creator: soft, sweet, delicious and unique! Your friends home will be surprised when you will serve them homemade plates you learned following typical italian recipes in an unique and rare location; the fun experience will leave an unforgettable and marvellous memory. AIR CONDITIONING Cooking is a family tradition: when the grandma Bruna is too tired, her daughter and grandaughter or grandson will replace her. In our family we all had the best grandmother as teacher My house hosts to a well-behaved and joyful dog and a few unobtrusive and invisible cats that observe whatever goes on from the roof of the orangery. The class consists of min of 10 and max of 14 participants
Prepara pasta y tiramisú en familia
THIS IS NOT A CONVENTIONAL COOKING CLASS: of course you'll learn a lot about pasta but you'll be welcomed into my family like old friends for a traditional Italian meal, cooking all together while sharing our different stories. Ravioli, spaghetti, tagliatelle or other typical kinds of pasta will be on the menu: the masterpiece of Italian cooking history. And, why not, we'll also prepare our "secret" tiramisù with chocolate. Of course, after cooking, we'll enjoy what we have prepared in a simple Italian meal all together with complimentary wine and coffee ;) ps: If you are a group or you don't see availability you can try to reach out to me for dinner or other dates.
Cocina con vistas panorámicas de Florencia
We meet in piazza San Pier Maggiore, an historical sight, where we will buy seasonal products from a traditional vegetable stall. We will then move to the terrace where a breathtaking view of Florence awaits us. Sometimes, to spice up our cooking class, some fabulous Florence folks will join us, dishing out their local experiences with a pinch of anecdotes and a dash of suggestions on the coolest things to do! We will get our hands dirty and we’ll prepare an appetizer and we will prepare a fresh hand/home made egg and flour pasta (e.g. tagliatelle, pappardelle), and a fresh and sweet Tiramisù. The experience will end by enjoying our meal and the deserved results of the hard work together!! Sample menu is as below, sauces and pasta shape may change based on in season fresh ingredients: Antipasto: Fettunta or Bruschetta Primi: Tagliatelle & Pappardelle Dessert: Tiramisù Other things to note: Culinary experience can be personalized to accommodate vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free options or food allergies. Please communicate it when booking. You don't need to bring anything to this experience, everything will be provided to you! Where we will meet: Piazza San Maggiore close to Ghibellini restaurant in front of the big arch. NOTE: Class takes place in any weather, since the kitchen area is enclosed with floor to ceiling windows to appreciate the view!
Aprende a hacer pasta casera de forma fácil y exitosa. Nos encontraremos en Florencia en nuestra escuela de cocina ubicada en el centro histórico, de fácil acceso, a 5 minutos del río Arno. Somos un equipo de chefs profesionales, estamos encantados de conocerte y dejar que pases un buen rato con nosotros para una clase divertida y única. Te enseñaremos los secretos a hacer RAVIOLIS, FETTUCCINE o ESPAGUETIS y TORTELLI en diferentes condiciones. Te proporcionaremos las herramientas útiles para la preparación: bata de cocina, alfiler enrollable y cortador de pasta, huevos y harina. Después de la preparación, te mostraremos todos los pasos necesarios para la preparación de salsas como "Pommarola" y "Ragù alla bolognese". Al final pondremos la mesa y comeremos todos juntos la pasta que has hecho, con 3 salsas diferentes, como una verdadera familia italiana. Seremos unos 12 participantes, la experiencia dura unas 3 horas. También será una oportunidad para socializar con otros viajeros y con tu anfitrión en un ambiente italiano. Durante el almuerzo se servirá delicioso vino toscano orgánico, que producimos en nuestra granja llamada «Dalle Nostre Mani», vinos elaborados con métodos naturales. Esperamos que esta experiencia te resulte útil para aumentar tus conocimientos culinarios y asegurarte de que puedes hacer nuestros secretos en tu casa y dejar a tus comensales sorprendidos. Todos los participantes recibirán instrucciones en inglés.
Experiencia en una vía ferrata en los Dolomitas
Are you passionate about mountains and would like to reach more demanding heights? Via Ferrata tracks runs through a rocky terrain equipped with metal stepladder and wires which make the progression easier and fun. From the meeting point we will drive shortly to the parking place; then we will reach the via ferrata by a walking approach. After a quick briefing, about the gear and the safety rules we have to observe, we will learn the correct rope manoovers and climbing techniques enjoying the amazing Dolomites landscape!
Lo que el viento se llevó
I will welcome you in the port of Desenzano where we'll familiarize with the "Annamarie", a comfortable boat equipped with bathroom and kitchen and extremely safe. After a short briefing we will sail to Sirmione to visit the castle, the springs of sulphurous water and the ancient Grotte of Catullo, here we will stop near the beach called Jamaica Beach for transparency of its water. We will drop anchor to enjoy the beach and organize lunch (or the aperitif for the half-day experience -4 hours) on the boat with typical local products Here you can sunbathe, take spectacular photos and refreshing baths! for guests there are snorkeling equipment, sup and dinghy. If, on the other hand, you prefer to relax and sunbathe, the boat will gladly welcome you The return route crosses the sunset with its romantic colours. POSSIBILITY TO SPEND THE NIGHT ON THE BOAT FOR WHO LIKE TO HAVE A ROMANTIC NIGHT ;) Other things to note Sports skills are not necessary, sailing is available for everyone both for those who want to try in some manoeuvres and for those who want to be just a passenger who enjoys the tour
Vuelo en parapente tándem en Davos
Gleitschirmfliegen ist genau so individuell wie unsere Gäste und das Wetter. Sollte das Wetter nicht ideal sein, können wir einfach verschieben, ohne Kosten für dich. Für den Flug treffen wir uns bei unserem Büro an der Jakobshorn Talstation. Hier kannst du auch deine Sachen deponieren und wir geben dir falls nötig noch zusätzliche Kleider. Gemeinsam fahren wir mit der Bergbahn zum Startplatz. Auf dem Weg dorthin haben wir genügend Zeit um dir alles zu erklären und uns auf den Flug einzustimmen.... und ja dann endlich! 3,2,1... und los, den Flug geniessen und die wunderschöne Bergwelt von oben sehen! Die Landung ist wieder beim Treffpunkt. Für deinen Flug reservieren wir uns zwei Stunden Zeit. Die reine Flugzeit beträgt 15 bis 35 Minuten. Während dem Flug werden wir einen Höhenunterschied von 1'000 Meter bewältigen. Wichtig! Diese Entdeckung kann auch für mehr als eine Person gebucht werden, es hat jedoch jeder Passagier seinen eigenen Piloten. Ansonsten zu beachten Kinder ab 10 Jahren mit Einwilligung der Eltern, Personen mit über 100 Kg Gewicht auf Anfrage. Es muss noch eine Bergfahrt für die Jakobshornbahn gekauft werden.
Caminata por un lago parecido a un fiordo, paseo en barco y queso
Breathtaking views from high above the Lake Uri Bay of Lake Lucerne ***** and easy hikes to different vantage points and clifftop enchanted forests with a local guide. Views of the incredible shades of blue of the Lake deep below. A cheese tasting of the rare Alp Cheese, a local specialty and best cheese of Switzerland. Two Boat rides across the Lake, a historic funicular and the most spectacular farmer gondola you'll ever ride are included. I meet my Guests at Brunnen Station. A short boat and funicular ride will take us to the little alpine village of Seelisberg, Uri. We find ourselves on top of a 400m/12000ft sheer cliff high above the lake. The 180 degree panorama of Lake and surrounding peaks is breathtaking. Right below us is the Rütli Meadow, the sacred birthplace of Switzerland. The water has incredible shades of blue. I will answer questions on this Landscape of Tales and Traditions, History and Trade Routes, Swiss Independence and William Tell. Visit of cheese factory. Then Hike to Boat and crossing of the lake. Short hike to a simple farmer gondola for a ride up a 600m/1800ft cliff. A tiny blue cabin for 4. Feels almost like a small plane. Now we look down onto lake from higher up and and other side onto a parade of peaks. Optional 1h easy hike down to lake shores. The Experience ends in the small port town of Flüelen with easy connections back to Lucerne.
Recorrido privado en un barco de madera por el lago de Como
THE TOUR IS PRIVATE FOR THE GUEST(s) WHO BOOK. Explore Lake Como on board your private wooden speed-boat. Meet your friendly captain and enjoy an amazing trip in the most fascinating part of the lake. This is a private tour and the price includes the tour for 7 people maximum . Caden are wooden-hulled speedboats that were to become the epitome of the jet-set era of the 1950s and 1960s. You will see famous Villa Balbianello, where James Bond movies and Star Wars were featured. You will pass by Comacina Island and if you want you will enjoy a nice swim among its clean and pure waters. You will then proceed to Bellagio, one of the most iconic place in Italy ! You will have another nice stop and swim here relaxing with your friends and family. You will then proceed to Tremezzo and your captain will show you famous Villa Carlotta, which attracts thousands of travellers every week. You will finally end your tour where it started and will leave with an unforgettable memory ! Other things to note please bring some sun cream and towels PS Pick up In Bellagio , Varenna and other villages is available UPON REQUEST for a small extra fee.
Explore Dolomiti, camminando tra le montagne più famose
Le Dolomiti sono le montagne più belle del mondo, uniche nella loro particolarità, per le forme e i colori. Vederle solo dal basso, da un paese o un passo è riduttivo. Il modo migliore per trasformare la tua vacanza in un'esperienza indimenticabile è incamminarsi tra i sentieri che attraversano e salgono le montagne. In questa giornata ti posterò a scoprire i miei sentieri preferiti, lontani dalla folla, nel cuore delle vere Dolomiti. Sarà un'esperienza personalizzabile, così da renderla ancora più indimenticabile, adatta alle tue esigenze. Prepara zaino e scarponi, al resto penso io! Posso venire a prendervi e riportarvi in albergo se soggiornate a Zoldo, Cortina, Belluno, Canazei, Agordo, Alleghe. L'escursione si svolgerà nei dintorni del vostro alloggio. Per altre località scrivetemi un messaggio. Per qualsiasi domanda non esitare a contattarmi!
Crucero y chapuzón al atardecer en Cinque Terre con Yuri
We will meet you at the harbor in Riomaggiore, and then embark on our magical sunset tour. During the tour, we will slowly cruise up the Cinque Terre coast, stopping in front of each village to give you the opportunity to take photos of the villages from the sea, which is hands down, the best way to capture each village's beauty. Once we reach Monterosso, we will turn around and slowly head back to Riomaggiore. With the sun setting behind us, you will have the perfect view to capture magnificent photos. During the tour, you can sip on bubbles and enjoy homemade focaccia from the local baker, made fresh daily and a must-try food while in the Cinque Terre. You can also jump in the sea for a sunset dip during the tour. Take a deep breath, and enjoy the paradise that surrounds you. Our aim is to make your night, and maybe even your holiday in the Cinque Terre, a lifelong memory and show you 'La dolce vita.' The tour lasts for around 2.5 hours.e your night, and maybe even your holiday in the Cinque Terre, a lifelong memory and show you 'La dolce vita.' The tour lasts for around 2.5 hours.
Tasty Florence Street Food Tour
Enjoy a stroll along the historical streets and live piazzas of Florence during this 2.5 hours tour while you sample local specialties led by a foodie expert. See where locals shop fresh fruits and vegetables, visit a local historic market and sample traditional dishes. At the market you will sample olive oil and different kinds of truffles. Try local Florentine food at a local trattoria from 1860. Sample local specialties like "Coccole" and "Schiacciata" and much more! As you move from one foodie stop to another you will learn facts about the history, culinary and culture with spectacular panoramic views of the most important attractions of the city such as the Cathedral, Palazzo Vecchio, Basilica di Santa Croce, and more! This walking tour is a great combination of savor and sweet, samples of the best food in town combined with a great explanation about art, culture and history. Eat like the locals, meet the small shop proprietors, visit a local market, get a wide variety of foods and learn all about some of the most interesting sites and monuments of Florence. Together with me you might meet my team of local guides: Dilara, Aurora, Valentina and Marilisa! Please note: I CAN surely accomodate vegetarians. This experience cannot accomodate vegan, gluten or dairy-free diets. Drinks are not included. This is a small group for up to 14 people.
Las Cinque Terre inolvidables desde el mar
we will leave aboard a comfortable boat for the fascinating 5 lands. swimming in coves accessible only from the sea, snorkeling surrounded by colorful fish and the view of the wonderful 5 lands from a unique point of view! Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore the 5 wonders that inspired poets and writers and where the last disney film Luca was set, from a privileged point of view: the sea! And to conclude with a flourish, an aperitif on board will be offered based on local wine and homemade focaccia from our oven! Far from mass tourism, equipped with every comfort, you will surely experience an unforgettable day of your holidays!
Juliet Secretary for a Day
We will welcome you together with my helpers at Juliet Club, a cozy space in the heart of Verona where everyday Juliet Secretaries work. Here I will tell you more about the story of Romeo and Juliet and how the tradition of the letters to Juliet started. After a visit to the archive - we have more than 200,000 archived letters here and we receive new ones every day! - you’ll be ready to become a Juliet Secretary. According to your native language, we will give you some of the letters addressed to Juliet. You will open them and read them discovering love stories from every corner of the world. Then we will have some coffee and we will discuss what to answer. Now it's your turn to write a letter! Signed and sealed, the letters are ready for delivery. Other things to note: Juliet Club receives letters from all over the world written in dozens of different languages. I will try to give you at least 1 letter in your native language but this is not always possible, in particular when it comes to less spoken languages. Becoming Juliet’s Secretaries can really be one of the most thrilling and moving experiences in the matter of love and will help to support this unique tradition.
Secretos de la cocina italiana: pasta y tiramisú siciliano
This is a friendly cooking experience. You'll be welcomed into a typical Italian home for a traditional meal with a local, where you'll learn how to make Sicilian and Northern Italian homemade pasta. I'll share with you my grandmother and my family's secrets for easily preparing delicious homemade pasta: Sicilian (garganelli, rigatoni or busiate), tortelli, tagliatelle or other typical kinds of homemade pasta with wheat flour (with gluten and eggs or water). And, Dulcis in fundo (last but not least), we will make my special tiramisù with Sicilian ingredients. We will spend a cool time together to Cooking, eating, drinking, chatting, laughing, sharing stories, and particularly talk about food, which is one of our favorite topics in Italy. And I will tell you many stories about food and my homeland, Sicily. :) ✔︎ Please Note! MY WORKSHOP IS NOT GLUTEN-FREE! Other things to note ✔︎ Booking is possible up to 1 hour before the start time ✔︎ Contact me to check availability for dates and times not listed! ✔︎ Siete un gruppo italiano? contattatemi per organizzare una sessione in lingua italiana.
  1. Airbnb
  2. Alps